How to Become a High School Motivational Speaker


Children are not born with genetic reactions to difficult situations. There is no inborn knowledge of how to act when a friend dies. No one is born knowing how to approach life after a natural disaster. These thoughts and reactions become even more muddled as the child becomes a teen and prepares to leave high school and enter the world. A youth motivational speaker delivers a message to confused teens in a way that grabs their attention and offers guidance. You can succeed as a high school motivational speaker by delivering honest messages to audiences in need.

Step 1
Choose to become a youth motivational speaker because you feel compelled to change the lives of young people, not for the profit. Start by offering your services for free to build your clientele and reputation.

Step 2
Be completely honest. Write your speeches in a way that points out your flaws and your strengths while exaggerating neither. A youth audience can spot an inauthentic story and will immediately tune out the rest of your speech.

Step 3
Choose your message. Read the local paper and watch the local news to learn what subject is hitting close to home for your next audience.

Step 4
Refine your method of speaking. Practice before every speaking engagement by giving your presentation in front of a live test audience made up of high school age teens. Ask for feedback and edit your speech before giving your formal presentation.

Step 5
Give every presentation from memory. Write and learn each speech before your presentation. Make note cards with only your key notes. This will keep you on track while allowing you to focus on your audience instead of a written presentation.

Step 6
Contact local high schools offering your services. Choose a time when your research shows that a particular school needs a certain speech. For example, you see in the news that a student at a local high school committed suicide. You immediately contact that school’s administration and offer to give a speech about open communication to avoid student isolation.

youth motivational speaker
high school speaker
school motivational speaker

Youth Motivational Speaker; How to Become a Motivational Speaker; Fabian Ramirez; May 2010 []


Danny Donahue is a full time freelance writer/artist/voice talent. He has written over 1000 articles on subjects ranging from child development to drug addiction to home improvements. You can learn more about Danny’s past and current projects via email at revcozmo at aol dot com.

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