Ways To Reduce High Employee Turnover Rates

High employee turnover rates are never a good sign. They typically indicate that something isn’t quite right within your company. Whether the culture is poor or your hiring process is flawed, it’s important to get to the bottom of why employees don’t seem to want to stick around. If you don’t, you could end up losing a lot of money in recruiting and training expenses for the constant stream of new employees you’ll have to hire. Plus, your company’s morale will likely take a hit, which won’t help the problem.

Take a Closer Look at Your HR Department

Reducing high turnover rates is typically the responsibility of a company’s human resources department. As such, high turnover rates are often a consequence of poor human resource management. If employees tend to keep leaving your company, there could be an issue with your HR department—or worse, you may not even have one.

In hiring or training quality HR professionals within your business, your company can better recognize and address employee dissatisfaction. In addition, the HR department can conduct effective exit interviews with employees to determine why they left the company and try to prevent such dissatisfaction in the future. Training your HR employees to a higher standard can also aid in solving the problem at the root. By understanding a wide array of talent acquisition terms and recruitment models, your HR department can develop a hiring framework that increases the quality of new staff you hire, which can drastically reduce turnover rates as people are more suited to the roles they apply for.

Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits

Another way to reduce high employee turnover rates is to offer your employees competitive—or at least fair—compensation and benefits. Failing to do so will likely motivate your employees to seek work elsewhere at a company that will give them a better deal.

While offering minimal employee salaries may appear to save your company money, it could ultimately cost you significantly when you add up the recruiting, hiring, and training costs necessary for new employees. As such, it is important to be as competitive as possible when it comes to compensation and benefits. For employees who have been with your company for a long time or have taken on extra responsibilities, try to offer raises that represent their rising worth. Doing so may just convince them to stick around.

Provide Growth Opportunities

Most employees don’t want to get stuck at a dead-end job. If you don’t provide them with promotional opportunities, or at least the potential for them, they may leave in search of a company that better aligns with their career goals.

To get ambitious employees to stay at your company, consider creating opportunities for development and growth. If you can’t offer advancement opportunities, at least try to create learning and skill-building workshops that can help satisfy the desire that all quality employees have to continuously improve.
