The Financial Bin is proud to announce the following participants in our Entrepreneur Intervention Twitter Chat Series for #GEW – November 14-20, 2011:
Tuesday, November 14: Jimi Romanus of Premier Innovations Group. Twitter: @jimiromanus. Chat time: 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM Eastern time.
Tuesday, November 14: Roxanne Klein of NiftyCandy.com. Twitter: @roxyklein. Chat time: 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM Eastern time.
Wednesday, November 15: Jeff Grandfield, Consultant with The Lease Coach. Twitter: @TheLeaseCoach. Chat time: 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM Eastern time.
Wednesday, November 15: Kathy Andersen of KathyAndersen.com. Twitter: @Kathy_Andersen. Chat time: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Eastern time.
Wednesday, November 15: Jerry Sullivan and Pete Kelly of Framework Media Strategies. Twitter: @FM_Strategies. Chat time: 8:15 PM to 9:15 PM Eastern time.
Thursday, November 16: Tiffanie Wagner of Cre8tive Chemistry. Twitter: @TiffanieWagner. Chat time: 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM Eastern time.
Sunday, November 20: David Klein, inventor of the Jelly Belly and Roxanne’s father. Twitter: @candyinventor. Chat time: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Eastern time.
Please make sure to follow our chat on @FinancialBin. We will be using the Global Entrepreneurship Week tag – #GEW and #EntrepreneurIntervention.
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