On Wednesday, March 14, 2012, the Financial Bin‘s David Domzalski interviewed Barry Moltz, Speaker, Consultant, and Author. Barry is the author of: Bounce! The Path To True Business Confidence, You Need to Be a Little Crazy: The Truth About Starting and Growing Your Own Business, and BAM! Delivering Customer Service in a Self Service World. Barry helps businesses get ‘unstuck.’ His fourth book, Small Town Rules: How Big Brands and Small Businesses Can Prosper in a Connected Economy, will be released in April 2012.
From BarryMoltz.com:
Barry Moltz gets business owners growing again by unlocking their long forgotten potential. With decades of entrepreneurial experience in his own business ventures as well as consulting countless other entrepreneurs, Barry has discovered the formula to get stuck business owners out of their funk and marching forward. Barry applies simple, strategic steps to facilitate change for entrepreneurs.
We asked Barry —
1. Can you give the listeners a brief description of what you did prior to your current career?
2. What lead you to becoming an entrepreneur, speaker, and author?
3. How do you help businesses get “unstuck?”
4. Tell us about your new book, Small Town Rules. What is it about? What is your goal for it?
5. What is the biggest mistake startup entrepreneurs make? What can they do to resolve it or even prevent it?
6. What is the biggest mistake you made in your business? How did you overcome it?
7. What have you done or what do you do to distinguish the Barry Moltz brand?
8. Who mentored you when you first started? Who do you consult today?
9. What is one piece of advice you can pass on to Gen Y entrepreneurs?
Make sure to pick up your copy of Entrepreneur Intervention: Triumphs & Failures of Entrepreneurs today. Let these 28 individuals share their trials and tribulations with you as they embarked on starting and growing their own companies. It is available on Amazon in paperback and for your Kindle, Nook, iPad, or Sony Reader.
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