How To Know What To Outsource In Your Business

How To Know What To Outsource In Your Business

Many business owners feel overwhelmed when it comes to deciding exactly what they should be outsourcing in their business. Here, we look at some of the things that you could consider outsourcing to a third party so that you can focus on the tasks which you are good at, feel comfortable with and are going to help you to grow your business.

Consider your weak points.

As hard as it can be to admit, we all have areas of weakness, and when it comes to outsourcing, the tasks that fall outside of your remit are the ones to prioritize.

We only have 24 hours in a day, and we cannot possibly work effectively for all of those, so it is important that we make the most of the time we have and concentrate on the tasks that we know we can do to the best of our ability.  If you know that you aren’t great at the technical side of things, don’t waste your valuable time trying to muddle through it. Look at outsourcing it to someone who can offer IT consulting or can manage the technical components to your business.

What don’t you like doing?

In any field of business, there is going to be an aspect or two that you simply don’t enjoy. It might be marketing, managing social media or creating content. If your budget allows, there is no reason why you have to do it. Find someone who does enjoy it and pay them to do it for you!

Admin and data input

Admin and data input are two of those parts of business that are not directly related to generating revenue in your business but are an essential part of it.  Again, if you can afford to, outsource is, as you are better using your skills and time elsewhere to make money and grow your business.

One of the things you may want to outsource is your social media.

These days, social media is an integral part of marketing and advertising. However, managing it – finding and curating content to share, adding media and responding to customers messages – can be a time-consuming task. It is a task that can easily be done remotely, so it is one to add to the outsource list.

As you would with anyone who does any work for you, whether employed directly or contracted on a freelance basis, make sure you have recommendations and references, and meet or speak with them beforehand to make sure that they are the right person for the job. Your expectations should be laid out clearly right from the start, and the lines of communication should always be open to iron out any issues. Freelance websites such as People Per Hour and Fiverr are great as they allow you to see (and send) feedback and money is often held in escrow to protect both you and the worker.  As your business grows in strength and resources, you may want to consider taking back control of these tasks and dealing with them in-house, but for a startup, outsourcing is the perfect solution.
