Keep Your Staff Safe In The Workplace

Business safety isn’t the only safety you need to think about, it’s also that of your staff in the workplace. The percentage of accidents in the workplace is actually higher than what we get up to in our own homes, which may come as a surprise. However, as the volume of people in one place is much higher than what you’d get at home, the risks are certainly greater. So how do you keep your staff safe in the workplace?

Communication Is Key

Having good communication within the workplace is always useful, especially when it comes to safety. Normally the operations manager or building manager will be looking after all aspects of the workplace, but of course, one person can’t see everything that’s going on. So having all the eyes of your staff is better than just the one. Make sure regular discussion and an open line of communication are available for staff members to address any issues that they have found within the building or in their own workspace area.

Have A First Aid Kit

A first aid kit isn’t something anyone really thinks about until an accident happens and by then, it’s too late if you don’t have the right contents in the box. You should always keep the first aid kits fully stocked at all times, and the contents of the box should be checked every month. Depending on the size of the organisation, you might need a few first aid box locations to cater for the number of employees within your company. A few must-haves in your first aid kit are:

  • Plasters and bandages of all shapes and sizes.
  • Scissors, tweezers and safety pins. Tape is also good for when safety pins have run out.
  • Disposable sterile gloves and alcohol-free cleansing wipes.
  • Antiseptic cream and packs of burn gel in various sizes.


The list can be lengthy but providing you have the key bits and pieces, is what matters. If possible, you should also invest in a CPR machine because if an employee were to collapse in the workplace, the availability of this machine could be the difference between life and death.

Train Your Staff

Training your staff is also very important and can certainly help with peace of mind that there are those who’ve been given the training to help in situations where someone may be injured. Train as many staff in first aid as you can and try to at least have 2-3 people per floor depending on how many are in the organisation. You should also train your staff by having a safety procedure for your workplace that can be given to any new starters and displayed throughout the building. This procedure will, therefore, give everyone the information about safe practice in your workplace. From entering and leaving the building, to using appliances with the right care and safety.

Proof The Building

It should be with the operations manager or building manager to do regular checks of the building. This will include annual checks of the utilities such as the gas and electrics, but there should also be some safety proofing to the building as a whole. For example, if staff members have access to the rooftop for some reason or if it’s used as a space for socializing, then safety railing must be put in place to keep it safe. All windows and doors should be easy to open and close, making sure that all fire doors are also clearly signed and closed. It’s also handy to have an emergency contacts sheet or folder so, in the likelihood that there’s an emergency and the operations or building manager isn’t there, anyone else can get assistance. Having reliable contacts for electrics, gas and IT support is certainly handy so be sure to have a company you use regularly for this.

Wearing The Right Uniform

All staff should have workwear depending on what sort of organization you are and what’s required, whether it’s formal, casual or personalized. The wrong type of workwear for the job and environment can also pose a risk. You wouldn’t want someone in heels walking around a building site, right? So, make sure you brief your staff to wear the right kind of attire and if you need everyone to be wearing the same uniform, expect to assign a small budget to this area of the business. You can buy workwear online, so it’s easy for the business to bulk buy staff uniforms if needs be.

Keeping staff safe in the workplace should be a priority because anything that happens in the workspace can fall directly onto the company’s shoulders. Making sure you have all the right safety procedures in place is going to avoid any nasty fallouts and big payouts.
