This contributed post is for informational purposes only. Please consult a business, financial and legal professional before making any decisions.
Like any modern business, you likely invest a lot of time and money into your marketing and advertising strategies. Without good marketing, even the best company in the world is doomed to flounder, so you take your time and try to create the best marketing strategy you possibly can.
While it is always beneficial to focus on what your strategy should be, it’s also beneficial to focus on what your strategy shouldn’t be. By having a sound awareness of both the things you want to achieve and the things you don’t, you can piece together a rounded, comprehensive marketing strategy that takes all the necessary components into account.
In an effort to help you achieve this, let’s look further, and ask: what are the advertising and marketing blunders that you have to ensure your company avoids?
#1 – TV Advertising
TV advertising is so last century…
The idea of dismissing TV advertising from your strategy must seem outright bizarre. For years, TV ads have been ruling the roost as the apex; the best way to promote any company. That’s been the staple since the 60s, when the real-life Don Drapers turned TV advertising into an artform.
However, there is no doubt that habits are changing. Back in the 60s, there were precious few channels to choose from. Viewers couldn’t pause or fast-forward. They were effectively forced to sit through ads. In 2017, moving into 2018, streaming is king, and TV viewership has fallen into (seemingly terminal) decline. TV ads just don’t have the power they used to, and don’t merit the expense or effort it takes to get them to air.
#2 – Spamming Everyone
Today’s consumers can spot spam a mile off.
 In the early days of the internet, spamming was fairly successful– but times have moved on, and everyone is far more cautious. Spamming to a broad group of people, trying to warm up cold leads, just isn’t a workable technique anymore.
The modern business should be targeting leads that are warm to the company, such as from people who have visited your site before; or looking for timeshare owner leads that tend to track to open-minded people. Throwing time and energy into appealing to everyone, and thus leads so cold they have effectively frozen, just isn’t a viable choice anymore– especially when there are other, far superior, options out there.
#3 – Trying To Appeal To The Youth Demographic…
… without actually talking to the youth demographic. Generations Y and Z have a fine ear for when they are being marketed to inauthentically, and they will tune out if they don’t like what they’re hearing. While you may think you’re speaking their language, this is what they hear.
If your target customer demographic includes the younger generation cohorts, then you need to involve that demographic in your business in some way: Hire interns; run market research; even offer full-time jobs if you are in a position to do so. If you are targeting your marketing at a particular demographic, talk to that demographic and hear what they have to say. This is especially vital if you are marketing to a demographic you, yourself, are not a part of.
In Conclusion
Along with knowing how you should market your business, bearing in mind how you shouldn’t is a key part of your overall strategy. Keep the above common mistakes in mind and you’ll be onto a winner.
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