Most Common Mistakes Rideshare Drivers Make

Most Common Mistakes Rideshare Drivers Make

Are you interested in becoming a rideshare driver or looking to improve your earning potential? Explore our guide on common mistakes rideshare drivers make to ensure you don’t make the same errors.

Driving Distracted

Rideshare drivers aren’t just transporting a passenger from point A to point B—they’re also responsible for their safety and well-being on the road. A driver can’t drive safely if they’re distracted, and distracted driving is one of the most common mistakes rideshare drivers make.

Between GPS directions, the radio, and even other passengers, there are many opportunities for a driver to get distracted. But passengers can see when distractions are endangering their safety, which affects how they rate and tip their drivers.

Not Capitalizing on Surge Pricing

Surge pricing is when the demand for rides in a particular area increases while the supply of drivers remains limited—so the cost of rides goes up for passengers. Typically, a large event drawing many people leads to surge pricing, but it can also happen on a seemingly ordinary day with the right conditions.

Examples of surge pricing conditions include:

  • Public holidays (New Year’s Eve, St. Patrick’s Day, etc.)
  • Sporting event
  • Concert or performance
  • Outdoor festival
  • Inclement weather

A more expensive ride means more money for the rider and possibly a better tip, so drivers should always look to take advantage of surge pricing to maximize their earning potential.

Neglecting Car Maintenance

For rideshare drivers, the vehicle is their most crucial business asset. A rideshare vehicle will put on a lot of miles, so it’s critical for Uber and Lyft drivers to maintain their cars correctly.

A problem with the car could mean lost earning potential, the last thing any rideshare driver wants. Take the time and effort to maintain your rideshare vehicle, and you’ll be able to squeeze as much value out of it as possible.

Not Following Directions

Every Uber and Lyft driver understands that their app provides the recommended directions for their ride and that they should follow them. But, sometimes, drivers will take it upon themselves to change the route to something they believe is faster.

Changing the route isn’t automatically a mistake, provided the passenger grants permission. Before making route changes, confirm that it’s acceptable to the passenger since they’re paying for the ride.

Not Taking Advantage of Tax Benefits

Many rideshare drivers don’t understand the full tax benefits they could be capitalizing on. Uber and Lyft drivers are afforded various benefits and tax deductions, but the most vital is the ability to deduce gas mileage.

Most rideshare drivers don’t know the full extent of mileage they can deduct from their taxes. While Uber and Lyft track miles for drivers when they have a passenger in their car, drivers can also deduct the mileage on their way to their first pickup, driving between rides, and driving home at the end of the day.

All those extra miles can add up quickly and become a significant deduction—so don’t forget to track your miles!
