SEO Strategy: Tips On Google Featured Snippets

google featured snippets

We have a great guest post today from Mallory Knee @ Logical Position. Mallory covers some interesting tips on Google featured snippets. Let us know what you think in the comments. Enjoy!


Are you looking to take your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy to the next level? Often referred to as an “answer box” or “position zero,” Google’s featured snippet has become a hot subject in search engine marketing, especially for websites looking to get more exposure through organic search results. But what exactly is position zero, and how do you increase your chances of being featured there?

Featured Snippets

If you’re wondering how to get competitive with your search engine optimization efforts, it might be in your best interest to conquer Google’s Featured Snippets. If you can obtain this special SERP real estate, you’ve got a leg up on your competitors.

What is it?

A featured snippet, is a specific block of text that quickly delivers an answer to a user’s questions. For example, if you searched “how do you balance a skateboard” Google will return feedback from a particular website based on the most accurate and useful answer.  It’s placed above organic search results, so it stands out to users. This visibility is highly valuable in terms of an effective SEO strategy because if Google trusts the information enough to feature it, then users will too.

What types of featured snippets are there?

Depending on the information that people are looking for, Google featured snippets can be in paragraph, table, or list form. Paragraphs are used when the information isn’t pure data and if further explanation is necessary. Tables display comparable data, such as movie showtimes and sports scores. Lists are used for easy-to-read steps or itemizations. Google will also suggest images or videos that best support your query.

How Do I Get Featured?

Google’s featured snippet is a coveted position for any website. With the rise of search engine marketing, it’s more difficult than ever to get noticed on Google’s SERP. The space that featured snippets occupy is the talk of the Internet, especially as we move toward voice search. But how do you get there? There are many intricacies to featured snippets, but here are a few very basic suggestions to keep in mind.

1. Answer a Question

Put yourself in the shoes of your readers. What information are they looking for, and what will their search terms look like? Once you have a good grasp on this, make sure you use targeted keywords in your content. For example, if a reader searches “how do you balance on a skateboard” and your pre-existing content is about riding on a skateboard more generally, you’ll want to go back into the blog post and optimize for keywords that better reflect the search query.

2. Use Easy-To-Digest Language

When a Google featured snippet is your goal, you want to use language that’s clear and concise. Don’t get too fancy with your verbiage; you want to make your content as “to the point” as possible–so cut the fluff!

3. Use Lists

Who doesn’t love a good list? Google knows that the eyes of users are drawn to lists because they’re extremely simple to read and quickly highlight important information. In other words, they’re user friendly, and Google loves user friendlessness. A list makes it incredibly easy to find and skim an answer to a specific question of interest. Depending on the kind of information you’re presenting, it’s a good idea to use lists whenever possible for the purpose of a positive user experience.

There’s no doubt that, as it sets you apart from the rest of the Internet, going after a Google featured snippet or two can be beneficial and complete your SEO strategy. But when it comes to acquiring this space, it’s best to keep your reader in mind.  If you can offer content that’s as readable as it is informative, then you’re off to a great start.
