This Is Why Your Business Is Blowing Money

This Is Why Your Business Is Blowing Money

Money is a constant issue for businesses. In fact, the problem is a lack of resources. No matter how hard you try to stay in the black, the accountants creep into the red. As soon as it happens, debtors and creditors start calling and don’t stop until they get their money.

Then, the unforeseen expenses begin to pile up out of nowhere and the company has to fork out. Finally, it’s the end of the month and employees need paying.

To stay open, the business has to figure out why its coffers seem to be hemorrhaging cash. Below are the reasons which apply to a wide range of companies.

Overpaying Suppliers

Materials are essential to keep up with consumer demand. Without the correct amount of resources, there is no way to fulfill orders and turn a profit. So, a steady stream of supplies from a supplier is part of an essential partnership. However, what they are charging now may not be in line with current expenses. Lots of suppliers dropped their prices due to the recession and still haven’t upped them yet. Was yours one of them? If it wasn’t, there might be a business willing to take your custom at a lower rate. Shop around for a bargain to ensure the deal is on par with the industry standard.


Filing suit is a way of life today. Everyone from employees to customers and clients will go to court if they think it will earn them money. As a result, companies have to fight suits on an alarmingly regular basis. Sometimes, you can’t help this and must take the costs on the chin. Other times, keeping detailed records can get the case dismissed. See the law offices of Randolph Rice for more on fraudulent behavior. The key is to contact a specialist straightway and to react. Otherwise, the case can gain traction and cost you a fortune in legal and courtroom fees.


Overheads are strange because they’re quite small yet pack a big punch. Often, they go under the radar because bosses have more important fish to fry. But, when you look at the costs over a sustained period, it adds up to a significant sum. What you need to do is to stay abreast of relevant changes. For example, energy suppliers constantly up their rates and expect to be paid. The experts at Which Switch disagree as they argue you shouldn’t have to pay the penalty. If you have to, refer them to licensing authority.

Customer Dissatisfaction

Shoppers that aren’t satisfied with the product or service will send it back. Every time this happens, it’s a tick in the loss column. Not only do you not get the sale, but you may lose a lead. Plus, it adds to the overhead expenses and you need to re-process the returned item. The goal is to cement a purchase, and you can with quality images and videos. When the product resembles the picture on the website, there is a small chance of the customer returning it to you.

Do you know what is draining your business’ finances? What can you do to limit the damage?
