How You Can Improve Your Office Productivity

When working in an office, productivity is key—but there are strategies that managers implement that may cause more harm than good. Knowing how you can improve your office productivity can eliminate unnecessary stressors while increasing morale throughout the department. Sometimes it’s the little things that can make the biggest differences; pre-shift huddles make a big difference in retail teams’ happiness for instance, so you could consider introducing something similar at your office. These changes can range from simple fixes, such as altering certain processes, or larger scale overhauls with hardware.

How To Improve Productivity Through Employees

There are a number of ways in which you can improve efficiency by changing how employees go about their daily tasks.

Encourage Breaks

It can seem counterintuitive, but encouraging workers to take quick breaks at regular intervals can help them maintain their motivation throughout the day. Working non-stop for hours at a time can lead to burnout, but occasional breaks can refresh the mind and fortify employees to meet their goals by the end of the day.

Discourage Multitasking

Splitting employees’ attention between multiple different tasks at once will invariably cause those same projects to decrease in quality. Stretching oneself thin doesn’t get tasks done any faster; it only kills momentum and misplaces the direction of effort. If employees don’t give tasks appropriate thought and attention, the work will suffer.

Offer Feedback

Workers are always looking to improve their work and their standing in the company, and they may be making mistakes without realizing it. Pay attention to their work, the quality of it, their work process, and how long it takes to complete a task. Offer advice and direction on how to improve.

How To Improve Productivity Through Office Changes

In order to improve employee motivation and workflow, you can implement methods—both direct and indirect—that alter aspects of the office itself.

Audit Hardware

Often, slow workflow stems from a lack of up-to-date hardware. You may not know how old your network is, so bring in a specialist to identify any problems. Eliminate any mistakes in your network’s setup to improve upload and download speeds.

Think of Aesthetics

The look of your office can play a significant role in employee motivation. Undecorated, sterile walls and poor lighting can cause workers to feel trapped and isolated, resulting in their workflow suffering. Think of investing in some wall art, decorations, and methods to increase the amount of natural light. Creating a lived-in space can make the employees feel more comfortable and relaxed while on the job.

Eliminate Distractions

Some distractions come from inside the office; if the layout is open-concept, then sounds can travel far throughout the work floor. Other distractions can come from the outside—usually from construction sites, train tracks, or busy roads. You can mitigate many of these noises through the use of soundproofing meshes and partitions to disrupt the pathways of sound.

What’s Best for Your Space

Think of the space and budget you have available. Some of the ways to improve office efficiency may be prohibitively expensive or unfeasible due to a lack of space. Consider what you’re able to accomplish and consider employees’ suggestions.
