Product Launch: How Should You Unveil A Product?

Product Launch

Getting ready for a product launch?

When you’re a small business, releasing a product is a huge deal. Of course, that sounds obvious because no matter what size business you are, releasing a product is a major event.

However for a small business and an entrepreneur, it’s a big deal because you only have a few to begin with. You more than likely only have a handful of product or services that you have in your line.

You’re selling these and because they are few in number they each rely on one another to make sure you meet your profit margins. Let’s set your product launch up for success.

Related to your product launch:

A product launch formula for success

If you have three products in total, each carries a large amount of hope or rather the proportion of the pressure to succeed. It’s much more devastating when one of your three products fails, than if you had fifteen and one of them were to fail.

All the others will pick you up and keep you going without putting a huge dent in your finances. This is why it’s so important to get the releasing of your product right. It has to bounce off a trampoline and into the world with a big.

Get noticed, be seen and be heard is the goal of this spring-boarding into the consumers’ lap.

Pay attention to product psychology

What gets consumers excited about a product launch?

The clear and present aspects are that it’s an improvement of the previous generation or version. They are curious of what kind of features and capabilities the product will be capable of.

They want to know what kind of standpoint will it have among the other similar brands, i.e. there is a percentage of consumers that simply wants the best because it’s the best. This is the standard psychological aspects of why products that are new will always be desired.

On the flipside, consumers might like the journey as much as the destination. The marketing and the anticipation of the product can be just as brilliant and relevant to the experience as the ownership of the product itself.

Modern companies do this so well on the digital platform. Strategically shot photos of their products that don’t reveal all and only certain bits, are often released on social media. This is the ‘first look’ stage of a release.

The point is to stir up tension, get people talking about what it could be, what it can do, when it will be released etc. You want your business to stay in the media but more so on social media and of course on video sharing platforms such as YouTube.

Then you can slowly release fully lit and exposing photos of your product to give customers a first real look at your product. Then comes the next stage or releasing a trailer or an advert of your product. This is purely video form, that highlights the key points of your product and must be shot in a way that expresses the personality of the product also.

Hold an exclusive unveiling of your product

You should and your must hold a public unveiling of your product. However before you get to that stage you should hold a gathering of notable key figures that will be given an exclusive look at your product.

This could be a week before or days before the official release and unveiling. Book a venue where you can hold a party, where guests will be treated to food, drink and an exhibition of your product.

There can be all kinds of activities for guests to as well as entertainment. Make the event an event, making it something that your guests will never forget and consequently, they will give your product a serious look.

You can learn more about the different kinds of venues that would be suitable for this kind of event. Something that isn’t too large but isn’t too small either. Keep it an exclusive event so preferably, no more than 100 or 200 people. If the party is a bit too large, then it won’t feel like it’s exclusive but rather a run of the mill standard event where all kinds of guests are invited.

Consider the Orakei Bay venue where the room is surrounded by glass so those outside can easily see indoors. The Stables is another good choice as it has a down to earth vibe, allowing guests to venture outside into a dining and seating area and keeping the large indoors open for all too.

A detailed look live during the product launch

As you will find going into the next decade, live streaming an unveiling of a product is going to be the norm. This is the high standard right now because it’s not something that many companies have invested in yet but are getting to grips with.

You can have hundreds of thousands of viewers live around the world, watching you unveil your product. They don’t even have to be customers or interested consumers, you’re putting it out there into the world for all to see. The more eyes that pay attention to your business the better, no matter who they are.

It’s much like any other kind of stage event, because you are up on the stage talking about your product. You will unveil it by pulling away a sheet, or simply lighting it up on a plinth. The media should be invited in droves, and figures of importance in your industry should also be invited to attend.

The live stream means that you will have to focus on the audience at home also, so having good presentation skills is vital. Switching back and forth from speaking to the audience and then looking into the camera will take practice but it’s not hard to keep track of.

Much like any event that has great marketing to a set date, a product unveiling is all about anticipation. Give the internet something to talk about and gossip. Take photos of your product whereby you are showing it from certain angles but keeping them guessing.

Hold an event that is exclusively for members of the business world that you have great respect for as well as those in the media. Take live streaming on video sharing platforms seriously and you will be rewarded with the potential to have huge audiences watch the unveiling.
