What To Consider When Choosing a Packaging Company

What To Consider When Choosing a Packaging Company

Whether you plan on displaying your product in a major retail store, your own small shop, or you sell primarily online, packaging is imperative to your product’s success. A product’s packaging is a direct representation of your company and brand. That said, you need to choose your packaging carefully, but before you can do that, you need to find a packaging company. If you’d like to learn what to consider when choosing a packaging company, we’ve got you covered below.

Look for Experience in Multiple Industries

Unless you’re in a very niche industry, you’re going to want to choose a packaging company that’s worked with a wide variety of industries. The reason that experience outside of your industry is so important is because it shows the company’s flexibility and capability. Plus, through their extensive experience, you may end up with unique packaging that stands out and intrigues customers.

Creativity and Price Flexibility

Consumers expect creative packaging nowadays, and nobody wants to see a blister shell or plastic packaging anymore. Every packaging company should be proud to show off their creativity and have a portfolio with examples of their packaging. It’s crucial that you get several quotes because some companies will charge astronomical prices for a little creativity. Of course, the packaging company needs to make money, but so do you. Now, that doesn’t mean you should go with the company that offers the cheapest price, because that typically means their materials are cheap as well, which cheapens your brand. The bottom line is that you need a company that’s creative and offers competitive prices for quality work.

Be Sure They Offer 3D Mockups

3D mockups offer several benefits that you can’t overlook. If a company doesn’t offer mockups, you shouldn’t bother working with them. The reason is simple—3D mockups allow you to see the product virtually beforeprinting begins. Once the company manufactures your packaging, you’re typically stuck with it. Why would you want to risk your money when the only reference you have for the design is a rough sketch and some notes from a conversation?

We can’t stress it enough—your packaging matters. New companies make the mistake of getting the cheapest packaging they can find simply because it looks “good enough.” While we understand your resources are limited, especially in the beginning, you should invest in your brand recognition. If you want people to know you have a quality product, your packaging needs to promote quality as well. By knowing what to consider when choosing a packaging company, you can make a solid business decision when it comes to your packaging and brand perception.
