What To Know Before Purchasing a Brewing System

What To Know Before Purchasing a Brewing System

The brewing industry is booming. Every day, brewers from across the globe try to make a name for themselves. The industry is competitive, and it will not get easier in the future. This blog post will talk about what to know before purchasing a brewing system. We will also explore common brewery mistakes and how you can avoid making those mistakes yourself.

Understanding the Different Types of Brewing Systems

Let’s touch on the basics first. In general, there are three different kinds of brewing systems: extract, all-grain, and pilot.


An extract brewing system relies on malt extracts, not grain, as fermentable sugars. This method simplifies the process by eliminating the need to mill or mash the grain, which reduces the amount of equipment needed to brew beer. The brewer adds water and malt extracts (and hops) to a kettle, boils for around 75 minutes, cools it down, pitches yeast, ferments for about seven days, and bottles the wort with added sugar to increase carbonation.


The all-grain brewing system is what you need if you want complete control over what goes into your beer. With an all-grain setup, the brewer starts by milling barley or other grains to expose the starch inside, then steeps the grains to extract sugars. Once that’s done, mashing occurs, and a brewer boils what is now wort. The boiled wort cools down, and yeast ferments it, producing beer.


Professionals who are testing out new recipes or trying different ingredients for future batches of their core line-up typically use pilot brewing systems. This method is usually cost-effective because it doesn’t require a full-fledged production facility.

Small breweries typically choose between an all-grain or extract system. Bigger operations have the luxury of owning both.

Common Mistakes When Purchasing a Brewing System

Not Making Good Use of Your Space

If you want to purchase a brewing system, first properly set up your space. It’s not uncommon for brewers to find themselves in cramped quarters, which hinders their expansion or even limits the amount of room to store their ingredients.

Having an On-Site Water Source

Having your own water source differentiates between homebrewers and commercial brewers. Although it might seem trivial, it’s still important to emphasize. Not having an on-site water source can be costly if you’re ever in need of emergency water.

Making Purchasing Decisions Based on Price Alone

A low price tag often indicates that the product won’t last long. You should always consider quality, even if it means paying more for an item. This will save you money in the long run because you’re not spending as much on maintaining your equipment.

In Summary

Brewing tanks are the most expensive equipment you’ll need to operate your brewery. Fortunately, there’s a wide range of prices and sizes available depending on what features and benefits you prefer. Be sure to purchase brewing systems that can accommodate your space limitations and what you plan on doing with them in the future.

Make good use of your space, and establish a budget ahead of time so that you won’t be caught off guard with additional expenses. Hopefully, this guide has answered some of your questions regarding what to know before purchasing a brewing system.
