4 Lethal Brand Mistakes That Destroy Businesses

Brand Mistakes That Destroy Businesses

Okay, so you have a website which pulls in traffic. And, there is a logo, which, in itself, is pretty advanced. Yours is good-looking and alluring too, so you’re onto a winner. Wait there a minute; there is also a strong following online with excellent customer reviews. Plus, clients in the industry are also happy with your work.

So, why on earth are you still an SME and not a global business? The answer is the brand.

Although it seems as if everything is going smoothly, there are small errors which are lethal. If any of the following ring a bell, then it’s time to change up as soon as possible.

Social Media Restrictions

Today, almost half of the workforce isn’t allowed to log in to Facebook or Twitter. And, this isn’t a reference to their accounts but the corporate ones. Bosses hold a tight grip over passwords and only let “qualified” employees contribute to posts. In an industry where customers prefer one-to-one interaction with advisors, this is a massive mistake. Sure, people may not be on point all of the time, but there is training for those individuals. Think of social media in the same way as email – that also used to be controlled, but now it’s inclusive.

Mediocre Digital Presence

You may look at your website and SEO and all the rest of it and see perfection, but bosses wear rose-tinted glasses. Big things always seem fine because they get the most attention. It’s the small features that go under the radar, and they make the biggest differences. A broken link, for example, or a 404 error page will result in a browser bouncing to a competitor. The right IT support can keep on top of your digital presence and iron out the kinks. Great online brands are thorough and focus on the fine print.

The Mirror Effect

“Look at them; they are killing it. Okay, we’ll copy their strategy and build our brand based on their success. What can go wrong?” The answer is a hell of a lot. Mirroring another business only means your brand doesn’t stand out from the crowd. It may work in the short-term yet it’s a race to the bottom. Even if the products are the same, there is no excuse when you look at fast-food giants with entirely separate brands. Focus on the thing which makes your brand unique and use it to attract customers and traffic.

You Don’t Own Me

Customers are in control of the brand. Yes, you are the one who makes the final decisions, but you’re not in the driving seat. Why? It’s because they will bounce if they don’t like the changes. Think about the ways companies have changed their packaging and it has impacted sales. Consumers have a connection with the old brand and don’t like change. There is nothing wrong with re-branding because it’s a necessary evolution. Yet, the company needs to consult their paying customers to maximize results.

Can you relate to any of the above? If so, how do you plan on changing?
